Elon Musk has announced on Twitter that the platform will be rolling out a “view count” feature
In which users will be able to see how many people have viewed their tweet.
The decision was made because “over 90% of Twitter users read, but don’t tweet, reply or like, as those are public actions,”
The Twitter owner and CEO compared the feature to that of video view counts on Twitter.
Musk also stated that the view count feature will be called “impressions”.
Musk later elaborated in another tweet, stating that the impressions will be shown to all users.
Not just the user who posted the tweet, as a similar feature already exists within the platform.
The new feature with an unstated release date comes after Musk stated Tuesday that he will be stepping down
I will resign as CEO as soon as I find someone foolish enough to take the job
I will just run the software & servers teams